Ayurchem Artec Ointment- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Artec ointment is an Ayurvedic patent formulation that can be effectively used for pain relief. It is a cream-based formulation and can facilitate deeper tissue penetration which aids in effectively reducing pain associated with injuries or joint disorders like Rheumatoid arthritis. Pain due to inflammatory conditions and muscle spasms also get significant relief. So it acts as a rubefacient and analgesic.


This ointment is specifically indicated in,

  • Pain in joints, muscles, inflammation of joints
  • Sprain
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Neuro-muscular pain


Sl. NoDrugsLatin nameProperties
1RaasnaAlpinia galangaIt cures inflammation, pain and is specifically indicated in conditions of vitiated vata dosha
2GuggulCommiphora wightiiUseful in healing fracture, pain due to injury, enormous effect in the musculoskeletal system and potent anti-inflammatory.
3VatsanabAconitum feroxIt is a potent anti-inflammatory and helps the drug to circulate the body. It acts as a catalyst and helps other ingredients to provide quick action
4DhaturaDhatura metelIt helps to relieve pain and inflammation on external application
5NirguntiVitex negundoRelives muscle and arthritic related pain
6Oil wintergreenGaultheria procumbensUseful in painful conditions like headache, neuromuscular pain, arthritis.
7Pepper mint PhoolMentha piperitaRelieves pain
8Oil NilgiriEucalyptus globulusPain-relieving in arthritic conditions
9Oil lemongrassCymbopogon citratusAnti-inflammatory


Gently apply on the affected area and a soothing massage can be done. It is desirable to avoid vigorous massage in case of injury. Mild fomentation is also desirable in case of the sprain.


No side effects or adverse reactions were reported. But in some cases due to sensitive skin, some irritation may occur and in such cases discontinue the use.


In cases of acute pain like injury or sprain it is not advisable to do the exercises. But in chronic muscle pain or joint diseases stretching exercises and joint movements can be done.


Ayurchem Medicine Manufacturer




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